Campaign Update 6/12/22

As you've probably heard, Tuesday was a great day for South Dakota – voters delivered a crushing 67% to 33% defeat to Amendment C!

This result sends a powerful message to the political establishment – keep your hands off the ballot initiative process.

South Dakotans for Better Marijuana Laws played an important role in the defeat of Amendment C in a number of ways, but I would like to thank South Dakotans for Fair Elections for leading the "No on C" campaign and the long list of organizations that joined the anti-C coalition.

You can read my full statement on the defeat of Amendment C on our website.

SDBML was featured in stories by Kelo, NewsCenter1, and our lawn sign even showed up in the New York Times...

Speaking of lawn signs, we just set up a "Yes on 27" lawn sign request form on our website! If you want a free lawn sign, then we just need your address and phone number.

This will be our third round of lawn signs in two years!

*We apologize to those of you who did not receive a "No on C" lawn sign. Unfortunately, we were unable to distribute the signs as widely as we hoped in the short period of time that we had. We've reached out to each of you and we appreciate everyone being so understanding. We look forward to delivering a "Yes on 27" lawn sign to all of our supporters soon!

So what's next?

  • Unveiling the "Yes on 27" logo!

  • A statewide tour to connect with supporters and volunteers, get input from South Dakota voters about the Measure 27 campaign in 2022 (as well as potential 2024 ballot initiatives), register new voters, and distribute lawn signs.

  • Launching an awesome campaign store (and a fundraising drive).

  • A new statewide grassroots volunteer program.

We are very excited about the campaign ahead and we are thankful for your continued support.

The outstanding success of our Measure 27 signature drive and the crushing defeat of Amendment C are reminders of what is possible when you work hard to advance the interests of the people.

– Matt

Matthew Schweich
Campaign Director
South Dakotans for Better Marijuana Laws


Press Release – September 30, 2022


Statement Regarding the Defeat of Amendment C