| 长津湖旁埋忠骨,英雄儿女保家国 - 上海外国语大学英语学院三全育人综合改革试点院(系) - 思政网育人号 - 全国高校思想政治工作网

热词英译 | 长津湖旁埋忠骨,英雄儿女保家国

发布时间:2021-11-18 14:06:41




01 历史回眸

今年国庆档,以长津湖战役为背景的电影《长津湖》(Battle of Lake Changjin / Chosin Reservoir)上映,通过银幕向人们讲述那段波澜壮阔的历史。












I love my family and my motherland.

But honor is the highest in my mind.

As a proud soldier of the Chinese Volunteer Army,

I will never yield to you, the weather so stormy.

Even if my life is claimed by the cold,

Every inch of land I will withhold.






02 金句摘译


1. 打得一拳开,免得百拳来。

A heavy blow will deter a hundred more.

2. 伤亡不值得夸耀,挺住就是一切。

Casualties are nothing to be proud of; staying alive is what counts.

3. 枪口永远不要对准自己人。

Never point a gun at one of our own.

4. 有些枪必须开,有些枪可以不开。

Some shots are necessary, but some are not.

5. 没有打不死的英雄,只有军人的荣耀。

A soldier may die, but his honor will live on.

6. 我们出生入死,就是为了他们不再打仗。

We fight to the death so our offspring can live in peace.

03 讲话学习



1. 70年前,由中华优秀儿女组成的中国人民志愿军,肩负着人民的重托、民族的期望,高举保卫和平、反抗侵略的正义旗帜,雄赳赳、气昂昂,跨过鸭绿江,发扬伟大爱国的主义精神和革命英雄主义精神,同朝鲜人民和军队一道,历经两年零9个月艰苦卓绝的浴血奋战,赢得了抗美援朝战争伟大胜利。

70 years ago, the Chinese people's Volunteer Army, composed of millions of young people in China, shouldering the mission and expectation entrusted by the nation and resolved to uphold justice and peace and resist aggression, gallantly marched across the Yalu River, resolved to uphold justice and peace and resist aggression. With great patriotism and revolutionary heroism and together with the Korean people and troops, they fought dauntlessly for two years and nine months on the bloodstained battlefields and won the great victory in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea.

2. 抗美援朝战争伟大胜利,将永远铭刻在中华民族的史册上!永远铭刻在人类和平、发展、进步的史册上!

The great victory of the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea will go down in the annals of the history of the Chinese nation and the history of humanity’s pursuit for peace, development and advancement.

3. 我们始终没有忘记谱写了气壮山河英雄赞歌的中国人民志愿军将士,以及所有为这场战争胜利做出贡献的人们。

We have never forgotten the Chinese People’s Volunteers whose soul stirring gallantry has become the pride of the nation and all those who contributed to the victory of this war.

4. 烈士们的功绩彪炳千秋,烈士们的英名万古流芳!

All our fallen heroes will forever be remembered by history, and their names will remain a source of inspiration for future generations.

5. 经此一战,中国人民粉碎了侵略者陈兵国门、进而将新中国扼杀在摇篮之中的图谋,可谓“打得一拳开,免得百拳来”。

By winning this war, we Chinese smashed the aggressors’ plot to mass troops at our doorsteps to blockade China and nip the new People’s Republic in the bud. We knew we must win this war, so that no one would ever try to impose a war on us again!

6. 在波澜壮阔的抗美援朝战争中,英雄的中国人民志愿军始终发扬祖国和人民利益高于一切、为了祖国和民族的尊严而奋不顾身的爱国主义精神,英勇顽强、舍生忘死的革命英雄主义精神,不畏艰难困苦、始终保持高昂士气的革命乐观主义精神,为完成祖国和人民赋予的使命、慷慨奉献自己一切的革命忠诚精神,为了人类和平与正义事业而奋斗的国际主义精神,锻造了伟大抗美援朝精神。

By fighting this great war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea, the valiant Chinese People’s Volunteers forged a great spirit. It is patriotism which placed the interests of the motherland and the people above all else and inspired the Chinese People’s Volunteers to risk their lives to defend the dignity of the Chinese nation. It is revolutionary heroism with which they fought tenaciously and fearlessly. It is revolutionary optimism which enabled them to maintain a high morale and defy formidable difficulties. It is loyalty to revolution with which the Chinese People’s Volunteers gave their lives to fulfill the mission entrusted to them by the motherland and the people. And it is internationalism with which they fought for peace and justice for all humanity.

7. 无论时代如何发展,我们都要砥砺不畏强暴、反抗强权的民族风骨。70年前,帝国主义侵略者将战火烧到了新中国的家门口。中国人民深知,对待侵略者,就得用他们听得懂的语言同他们对话,这就是以战止战、以武止戈,用胜利赢得和平、赢得尊重。中国人民不惹事也不怕事,在任何困难和风险面前,腿肚子不会抖,腰杆子不会弯,中华民族是吓不倒、压不垮的!

No matter how the times may evolve, we must maintain the indomitable will of our nation which enables us to defy intimidation and strike back against aggression. Seven decades ago, the imperialist aggressors pushed the war right to the doorsteps of New China. We Chinese people knew that the only way to react to aggressors was to "communicate" in a way they understood. And that was to fight the war to end it and gain peace and respect through victory. We will not make provocations against others, but neither will we yield to provocations. Whatever challenges or risks we face, we will never tremble with fear or be held in awe. The Chinese nation will succumb to neither blackmail nor sheer pressure.

8. 无论时代如何发展,我们都要汇聚万众一心、勠力同心的民族力量。在抗美援朝战争中,中国人民在爱国主义旗帜感召下,同仇敌忾、同心协力,让世界见证了蕴含在中国人民之中的磅礴力量,让世界知道了“现在中国人民已经组织起来了,是惹不得的。如果惹翻了,是不好办的”!

No matter how the times may evolve, we must galvanize the whole nation and create a powerful strength. In the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, inspired by patriotism, we Chinese closed ranks to fight the enemy and showed the whole world our formidable strength. The world came to realize that “the Chinese people are now organized and that they are not to be provoked. Aggressors will have to pay a high price if they dare do so.

9. 无论时代如何发展,我们都要锻造舍生忘死、向死而生的民族血性。在朝鲜战场上,志愿军将士面对强大而凶狠的作战对手,身处恶劣而残酷的战场环境,抛头颅、洒热血,以“钢少气多”力克“钢多气少”,谱写了惊天地、泣鬼神的雄壮史诗。

No matter how the times may evolve, we must foster the valor of our nation, one of fighting without fear of death to win victory. On the Korean battlefield, the Chinese People’s Volunteers were poor in armament but high in morale. In face of the powerful and ferocious enemy as well as the wretched weather, they fought heroically and finally won the war. A grand epic was thus written.

10. 伟大抗美援朝精神跨越时空、历久弥新,必须永续传承、世代发扬。

The heroism of all those who fought in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea will transcend time and space. It will remain an inexhaustible source of inspiration for all future generations.








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