
2021-02-24 11:00:19


2020-2021 Winter Serial Lectures: Topographical Tectonics


Adjusting Standards: Synchronization, Sizing, and Finishing.

时间: 演讲当日21:00-23:30
Time: 21:00-23:30 (Beijing Time) on each lecture day


Platform: ZOOM (URL to be issued the previous day)


Audience: SEU students and faculty


1. 调整标准

Adjusting Standards

01/06 (周三) 戴维·莱瑟巴罗

01/06 (W) David Leatherbarrow

2. 恰逢其时的洞口

Well-Timed Openings

01/08 (周五) 戴维·莱瑟巴罗

01/08 (F) David Leatherbarrow

3. 完整,但并未结束

Complete and Unfinished

01/10 (周日) 戴维·莱瑟巴罗

01/10 (S) David Leatherbarrow

4. 建造中的准确性

Precision in Building Construction

01/11 (周一) 麦海里·麦克威卡

01/11 (M) Mahari McVicar

5. 完成状态与适应性变化

Finality and Adaptation

01/13 (周三) 半田 留美子

01/13 (W) Rumiko Handa

6. 对终将到来者的漫长等待:重复,差异以及现代主义

The Long Wait for the Inevitable: Repetition, Difference and Modernism

01/15 (周五) 爱德华·福特

01/15 (F) Edward Ford




Course Description

Architectural concepts of type, standard, unity, and finality are both familiar widely accepted, but rather hard to square with equally common notions of specificity, uniqueness, engagement, and adaptation. Theoretical and practical conflicts between these sets of ideas arise in matters of both tectonics and topography.  

The lectures in this course will address the tension between general norms or standards for the elements or parts of a building and the particular demands of a location, labor practice, and program.  The simple question to be addressed in the course is this: isn’t an adjustment of standards always necessary when great ideas of what architecture should be are actually realized in circumstances that are normally not-so-great—today’s cities, suburbs, and rural areas?  If so, it will be important to explain and exemplify ideas and practices of attunement, modification or adjustment.

主持 Chair


Prof. David Leatherbarrow


He is an expert in the history and theory of architecture, with specific emphasis on their contribution to architectural design, especially in the modern period. Within history, theory, and design, he is known internationally for his contributions to ideas and historical developments of architectural design and technology, gardens and landscapes. All of his work in scholarship examines two essential problems or topics in architectural design: the architectural site (landscape or urban) and architectural construction. In his scholarly work he has published nine books, most recently Three Cultural Ecologies (2018), Twentieth-Century Architecture (2017), Architecture Oriented Otherwise (2009), Topographical Stories: Studies in Landscape and Architecture (2004), and Surface Architecture (2002), co-authored with M. Mostafavi, that won the Bruno Zevi Prize from the International Congress of Architecture Critics. Earlier books include Uncommon Ground: Architecture, Technology and Topography, The Roots of Architectural Invention: Site, Enclosure and Materials, and On Weathering: The Life of Buildings in Time, which won the 1995 International Book Award from the AIA. Translations of these books have appeared in many languages, two in Chinese, another two forthcoming. In addition to his scholarship, Leatherbarrow is highly respected internationally as an educator, having won numerous awards for his teaching, the most recent of which is the AIA/ACSA Topaz Medallion for Architectural Education.
调人 Coordinator


Prof. Yonggao Shi

Professor at School of Architecture, Southeast University, China. His research focuses on the basic issues of architectural discipline, especially the problem of material in architectural design, and its extended and related field, namely topography and space. Exploring their transformation in the modern architectural theory, also the opportunity of their potentional reconstitution in the modern/contemporary architectural and urban practice in China. He is the author of The Presence of Material: Research on Material’s Constructional and Spatial Properties in the 19th and 20th Century Western Architecture (2008, 2017) and co-authored Architectural Design Basics (2015).

演讲嘉宾  Lecturers


Dr. Mhairi McVicar

英国卡迪夫大学威尔士建筑学院教授。她的研究领域包括:建成环境的价值以及社区发展; 对建筑实践过程的批判; 作为社会锚点的大学; 建筑技术和建筑理论; 以及建筑历史和理论,尤其是19至21世纪的英国和美国。

Reader, Wales School of Architecture, Cardiff University. Her research interests include Value in the built environment; community development and community asset transfers; critiques of processes of architectural practice; the University as a civic anchor; theories of architectural technology and construction; and architectural history and theory, particularly UK and USA 19th-21st century.



Selected works:

Precision in Architecture: Certianty, Ambiguity and Deviation

在当代建筑行业越发专业化的背景下,准确的沟通(图纸,规范,信件,传真和电子邮件)承担着将建筑意图转换为中性和可量化语言的复杂任务。唯此,建筑师才有可能保证设计意图和建造结果之间的对应,但是从没有任何一个建筑的最终建成状态能够完全符合建筑师的文字和图纸的规定。本书通过仔细研究Sigurd Lewerentz,Caruso St John Architects,Mies van der Rohe和OMA的建筑细节,深入探究了当代建筑实践中,建筑师们对于准确沟通怀有的期待,以及这种沟通可能带来的后果。作者质疑了这种始自19世纪中叶的建筑沟通中的确定性观念,并批判了在当代建筑生产条件下持续抱持的对确定性的执拗妄想。

In the professionalised context of the contemporary architectural profession, precise communications – drawings, specifications, letters, faxes and emails – are charged with the complex task of translating architectural intent into a neutral and quantifiable language which is expected to guarantee an exact match between the architects’ intentions and the constructed result. Yet, as any architectural practitioner will know, it is doubtful whether the construction of any architectural project may ever exactly match all written and drawn predictions. This book offers a detailed insight into the desire for, and consequences of, precise communications in the daily life of contemporary architectural practice through close readings of constructed architectural details by Sigurd Lewerentz, Caruso St John Architects, Mies van der Rohe and OMA. This book challenges claims to certainty which have been attributed to such communications from the mid-nineteenth century onwards, and critiques ongoing expectations of certainty in contemporary architectural production.

半田 留美子

Rumiko Handa

美国内布拉斯加州大学林肯分校建筑学院教授。研究领域包括:建筑理论,历史和设计;建筑的现象学和诠释学;电影,文学,戏剧和艺术中的建筑。她的著作发表在如下期刊:Interiors: Design, Architecture, Culture; The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians; Preservation Education & Research; The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America。 她还与其他人合著了《召唤现实:建筑在18世纪和19世纪小说中的作用》。

Rumiko Handa is Professor of Architecture at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA. Research interests include: Architectural theory, history and design; Phenomenology and hermeneutics of architecture; Architecture in Film, Literature, Theater, and Art. Her writings have appeared in: Interiors: Design, Architecture, Culture; The Journal of the Society of Architectural HistoriansPreservation Education & ResearchThe Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America; Design Studies, etc. She co-edited Conjuring the Real: The Role of Architecture in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Fiction.



Selected works:

Allure of the Incomplete, Imperfect, and Impermanent: Designing and Appreciating Architecture as Nature

作者使用从罗马体育馆到日式茶室的诸多案例,提请人们注意一个通常被忽略的领域:不完整,不完美和无常的建筑所具有的魅力。 通过关注建筑物“完工”后发生的情况,她表明“来世”实际上就是建筑物的“生命”。针对专业人士以及建筑系学生和教育工作者,本书认为建筑师有必要预见未来可能发生的变化,并将其纳入其原始设计。

Using examples ranging from the Roman Coliseum to Japanese tea rooms, she draws attention to an area that is usually ignored: the allure of incomplete, imperfect and impermanent architecture. By focusing on what happens to buildings after they are ‘complete’, she shows that the ‘afterlife’ is in fact the very ‘life’ of a building. Addressing professionals as well as architecture students and educators, it persuades architects of the necessity to anticipate possible future changes and to incorporate these into their original designs.


Edward Ford


Professor Emeritus in architecture, University of Virginia. Edward Ford is the author of The Details of Modern Architecture (MIT, 1990, German edition: Birkhauser, 1994, Japanese Edition: Maruzen, 2000) and The Details of Modern Architecture, Volume 2 (MIT, 1996, Japanese Edition: Maruzen, 2000), and the recently published The Architectural Detail (Princeton Architectural Press). He was a consultant to the 1992 American Heritage Dictionary, is a member of the Editorial Board of the Twelfth Edition of Architectural Graphic Standards, and a contributor to The Wiley Companion to Architecture. In 2004 he was the Thomas Jefferson Visiting Fellow at Downing College at the University of Cambridge.



Selected works:

The Details of Modern Architecture, Volume 1&2



Most of the modern movements in architecture have identified some paradigm of good construction, arguing that buildings should be built like Gothic cathedrals, like airplanes, like automobiles, like ships, or like primitive dwellings. Ford examines the degree to which these models were followed, either in spirit or in form, and reveals much about both the theories and techniques of modern architecture, including the extent to which the current constructional theories of High Tech and Deconstruction are dependent on the traditional modernist paradigms, as well as the ways in which all of these theories differ from the realities of modern building.


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