| 第九届中国第二语言习得研究国际研讨会 - 上海外国语大学英语学院三全育人综合改革试点院(系) - 思政网育人号 - 全国高校思想政治工作网
因疫情原因,原定2020年11月13-15日主题为“全球化背景下的二语习得研究:创新与挑战”的第九届中国第二语言习得研究国际研讨会现延期到2021年12月10-12日在线举行。 敬请关注大会新的时间节点。
会议预通知 Call for Abstracts
论文提交截止日期: 2021年11月15日
No. 01
1. 二语习得理论研究
2. 二语习得研究方法
3. 二语习得研究不同流派(认知/心理, 社会文化观/ 语言学流派等)
4. 语言迁移与二语习得(二语习得中的语际影响)
5. 二/外语语言发展与测试
6. 二/外语教学法
7. 学术用途英语/特殊用途英语
8. 课堂(正式)二语习得研究新进展
9. 基于语料分析的中介语研究
10. 中介语语用研究
11. 现代技术与语言教学
12. 二语加工
13. 双语、多语与传统语言教育
No. 02
1. 主旨发言
2. 专题讨论
3. 分组讨论
4. 硕博论坛
No. 03
中文 英文
No. 04
论文摘要中英文均可, 500字以内,请发至邮箱SLA2021SISU@163.com。
截止日期: 2021年11月15日
论文录用通知: 2021年12月1日
No. 05
如有疑问, 请联系SLA2021SISU@163.com
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic,
the 9th International Symposium on
Second Language Acquisition Research in China with the theme Second Language Acquisition Research in the Global Context: Innovations and Challenges is now rescheduled to December 10-12, 2021 and will be held online. Please note all the changes of the important dates.
We look forward to seeing you then.
The 9th International Symposium on
Second Language Acquisition Research in China
Theme: Second Language Acquisition Research in the Global Context: Innovations and Challenges
December 10-12, 2021
Shanghai International Studies University, China
Call for Abstracts
Submission Deadline: November 15, 2021
Contact email: SLA2021SISU@163.com
Second Language Acquisition, as an increasingly independent yet interdisciplinary field of research, has received continuous attention from language practitioners and researchers all over the world. Studies have been conducted from multiple perspectives as we move towards a deeper understanding of how additional languages are acquired.
With the progress of theoretical and empirical developments in SLA research, the advent of modern technology not only offers new research possibilities, perspectives and methods, but also presents challenges to the current theorisations of second/foreign language acquisition in the ever-changing global context.
No. 01
Abstracts are welcome in but not limited to the following topics:
1. Different theoretical perspectives of SLA (e.g. cognitive, psychological, sociocultural perspectives, etc.)
2. Research Methodologies of SLA
3. Cross-linguistic Influences upon SLA
4. Second/Foreign Language Development and Assessment
5. Second/Foreign Language Pedagogy
6. English for Academic/Specific Purposes
7. Advances in Instructed SLA Research
8. Corpus-based Interlanguage Studies
9. Interlanguage Pragmatics
10. Technology-mediated Language Teaching and Learning
11. Second Language Processing
12. Bilingualism, Multilingual and Heritage Education
13. Workshop for Ph.D. Dissertation Proposals
14. Workshop for MA Thesis Proposals
No. 02
This symposium takes the form of:
1. Keynote speeches
2. Panel discussions
3. Individual paper presentations
4. Postgraduate student forum
No. 03
Working languages:
Chinese / English
No. 04
Abstract submission:
Abstracts either in English or in Chinese (within 500 words) are welcome and submitted to SLA2021SISU@163.com.
Deadline for submission: November 15, 2021
Notification of acceptance: December 1, 2021
No. 05
Conference fees
There is no conference fee.
More information will be issued on the following website:
For any inquiries, please feel free to contact: SLA2021SISU@163.com
Organizing Committee,
China Association of Second Language Acquisition
School of English Studies, Shanghai International Studies University
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