龙陵 x 英华青年说|(二)镌刻智慧——汤景延的名章

发布时间:2021-12-23 09:43:50
编者按 时值建党百年,为实现党建联动区域化、促进党史教育机制化,上海外国语大学与上海龙华烈士陵园举办签约共建仪式,开展建党百年专题活动,引导广大青年在学思践悟中传颂先辈故事、坚定理想信念。上外英院龙陵青年志愿服务队从译介角度进行实践,讲演中国共产党人的革命故事,积极推广文化译介新理念,助力红色文化“走出去”。


The Official Seal Used by Tang Jingyan

朗读者:2020级本科生 叶淑妍


This is the official seal once used by Tang Jingyan. It was made from mixed wood, having Tang’s name in handwritten style carved on its rectangular surface. It is slightly deformed, with stains and scratches, and shows stickers at its bottom.



Tang Jingyan (1904-1948) was born in Rugao, Jiangsu. In 1940, he served as the head of Tonghai People’s Self-defense Regiment. In 1942, he joined the Communist Party of China. In 1943, to support the Counter-Campaign against “Cleaning Up in Countryside” in central Jiangsu, Tang led his regiment to serve as a Trojan horse secretly fighting the Japanese puppet army. In 1948, he was appointed deputy commander of the guerrilla forces based at the border areas of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. In the same year, he was intercepted by the Kuomintang army, and killed later. 



Tang Jingyan was one of the most well-known strategists of the New Fourth Army. His Trojan horse operation against the puppet army was extremely complicated and full of dangers. Nevertheless, with allegiance to the Communist Party, Tang undertook the task with solid confidence. The operation is historically known as Tang Regiment Operation. 



To avoid the enemy’s suspicion, he imitated the leaders of the enemy in terms of manners and hobbies from the very beginning, and set up grandiose “Tang Mansions” in Haimen and Nantong. On several occasions, he maneuvered tactfully and talked cheerfully and humorously with the enemy leaders, which made many of them willing to get along with him. By doing so, he not only managed to bewilder the enemy, but also better carried out affinity-building and disintegration tasks from within the puppet army.


To break through the blockade of the enemy against the New Fourth Army, Tang as the regiment head, set up a commercial institution in one of his Tang Mansions—the Head Office of Xieji Guild of Merchants, where he served as manager. The name seal was used at the time as the seal of approval for accounting purposes. The public reason for establishing the head office was to provide funding and provision subsidies for the puppet army, while it in fact secretly transported munitions and medicines to the New Fourth Army, convoying their personnel and transmitting intelligence for them. The Guild also established branch offices at several ports where actions were concealed by the selling and transporting of vegetables and corps.




These offices opened up the connections between the forces of the New Fourth Army located in northern and southern Yangtze River regions. They purchased and transported military provisions for the armies in the north, and meanwhile delivered military intelligence to strongholds, in addition to shielding the critical personnel and their communication, including well-known journalist Zou Taofen and the musician He Lvting. In such a way, despite the strict lockdown, more and more accesses were created, which guaranteed smooth transportation of supplies for the New Fourth Army. The seal, inscribed with Tang’s original aspiration, completed its mission. 


The seal was initially preserved by Tang Jingyan’s wife, Huang Xiuzhi and later inherited by his son Tang Xinju. In December 1993, they donated it to the Construction Office of Longhua Martyrs’ Memorial Hall. 






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