
发布时间:2022-01-11 17:03:27



朗读者:2020级硕士生 张柳



These two pieces of cultural relics in a set were made in the era of the New Democratic Revolution. The long gown, made of blue and gray Venetian, has a diagonal placket on the right, with five I-shaped buckles in the traditional Chinese style. Its lining is navy blue. The jacket, made of poplin, has five top-down buckles in the same style.


This set of the garment was worn by Luo Yinong when he attended the inauguration of the Shanghai Special City Government in March 1927, and a photograph of him wearing it was preserved. It is a testimony to the victory of the Third Armed Uprising of the Shanghai Workers, a great feat of the Chinese workers' movement during the Revolution.



Luo Yinong (1902-1928) was a native of Xiangtan, Hunan, a province in the South Central China region. In 1921, he joined the Communist Party of China during his stay in Russia and served as a secretary of the Moscow Branch of the Communist Brigade. In 1925, he returned to China and became the secretary of CPC Jiangsu and Zhejiang District Committee in December. In 1927, he led the Third Armed Uprising of Shanghai workers and became the director of CPC Central Organization Bureau. He was also a member of the fifth CPC Central Committee. On August 7, he was elected to the Provisional Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, of which the Standing Committee he joined afterwards. In 1928, he was arrested in Shanghai and was later executed in Longhua, Shanghai.



In August 1926, under the direction of the Central Military Commission, the District Committee led by Secretary Luo organized the Shanghai Military Committee. They staged the workers' armed uprisings and cooperated with the Northern expedition to overthrow the warlords. Luo spared no effort to lead three successive uprisings in Shanghai. On the eve of the uprising, in addition to a large number of activities in Shanghai, he also went to other regions for further check and arrangement. However, because of a variety of reasons, the first two uprisings ended in failure.



Lessons learnt, the CPC Central Committee and the Shanghai District Committee held a joint meeting and decided to set up a special committee of eight members, including Zhou Enlai and Luo. There were also a special subsidiary military committee and a special subsidiary propaganda committee. In mid-March 1927, Zhou, Luo and the others thought it was the right moment to take action. They decided to make every effort to organize the general union strike and launch an armed uprising. As scheduled, the uprising would be staged in seven districts. Luo was in charge of the southern district. On March 20, in order to mobilize and arrange the workers, he held a meeting at Laoximen among the party members, activists and the Trade Union leaders of the southern district. On March 21, Jiangsu and Zhejiang district committee members and secretaries of ministries and commissions held an emergency meeting at dawn, during which Luo issued an order: "A general union strike is to start at 12:00 together with an armed uprising." Zhou was announced as the general commander and Luo was in charge of liaison and government affairs. At 12 o'clock, 800,000 workers in Shanghai started the strike. By the afternoon, the fighting had ended in success in all districts, with the exception of Zhabei, where the enemy's lair was located. Luo then mobilized workers from three districts, Shanghai East, Hongkou and Shanghai West, to support it. In the evening, the enemy began to set fire to the dwellings near the Zhabei Railway Station in the hope of fighting back. Luo and his secretary rushed to the front and, in face of the big fire, he said, "Don't be afraid of anything. As there are the masses, the fire can be put out and the final victory will belong to us!" After two days and a night of fighting, workers achieved a great victory and liberated the entire Shanghai urban district except the foreign concessions. On the same day, people from all walks of life in Shanghai held a citizen's congress and elected 19 members, including Luo, to constitute the Shanghai Special City Government. At the congress, Luo announced the list of members of the civil government and made an inspiring speech. He said, "Today's Shanghai is neither the imperialist's nor the warlords' Shanghai, but the working class’s Shanghai!"


In April 1927, after his death, Luo's clothes were collected and preserved by his wife, Li Wenyi, and were successively placed in the secret residence of Yang Zhihua, Deng Yingchao and others. Later, since Li went to Moscow to study, Luo's relics were transferred to Li's relatives. In 1992, they were donated by Li to Shanghai Longhua Martyrs Cemetery preparation office.

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