龙陵 x 英华青年说|(十二)终身信条——史霄雯的日用手册

发布时间:2022-03-02 16:05:14



朗读者:2020级硕士生 潘暄妍



This handbook with a deep blue cover belonged to Shi Xiaowen. In this handbook, Shi wrote down 20 of his rules to live by. The first half of the handbook shows the various activities he was engaged in, including those held by the Group of Consolation to Orphans, the Joint Session by the Jia Shen Voluntary Education Association, the Talks by the Communist Youth League, Cheng Zhong's 42nd Alumni Reunion, speech contests and chess games. The second half of the handbook is a record of Shi's donation and lendings. Overall, the handbook encapsulates the characters and morals of a young man who embraced his dreams and social responsibility in the 1940s.



Shi Xiaowen, bereft of his father at an early age, was raised in a disrupted situation when the Japanese Army was running amuck in China. Despite all the difficulties, Shi turned out to be a young man of character and with a strong desire for knowledge. He often told his mother not to worry and believed that he had the strength to make something of himself after graduation. He wrote his "Lifelong Creeds" at the age of 17:

1. 在25岁以前绝不结婚。

Won’t marry before 25.

2. 绝对保持纯洁。

Keep the purity of the soul.

3. 决不饮酒、决不吸烟、决不赌博、决不淫荡。

Never drink or smoke and never gamble or go whoring.

4. 按照规定的时间起身与睡眠。

Get up and go to bed regularly.

5. 按放用物有一定的位置,用后即归原处。

Put everything back in place after use.

6. 不虚费光阴作无聊的事。

Don't squander time on dumb or silly things.

7. 每日的工作有一定的程序与计划。

Work according to a schedule every day. 

8. 对清洁的注意毫不苟且。

Be scrupulous in cleaning.

9. 集中全副精神在目前工作上。

Be focused on the present work.

10. 每日必用些时候来沉思、考虑,使胸中充满理想。

Spare some time every day to think and fill myself with ambitions.

11. 昂腰体干直立,行路绝不徘徊。

Stand up straight, and never wander on the road.

12. 说话口齿清俐,音节清晰。

Speak clearly and fluently, and pronounce each syllable correctly.

13. 常有乐观的思想。

      Always think positive.

14. 绝不发怒(外表上),绝不诽谤。

Never get angry (visibly), and never speak ill of others.

15. 注意并静听他人的谈吐,并注意自己的发音与辞令。

Pay attention to and listen quietly to the speech of others, and focus on pronunciation and rhetoric while speaking.

16. 当别人有患难或生病时,必应写信去安慰他。

When one is ill or in trouble, write to him to provide solace.

17. 决不忘人之恩惠。

Never forget others' favors and kindness.

18. 得意时决不忘形或疏忽。

Never get cocky or negligent when you’re excited or happy.

19. 能援助他人时竭己之力,绝不吝啬。

Make every effort to help others when you can, and don’t be stingy.

20. 以诚恳谦逊的态度对待每一个人。

Treat everyone sincerely and humbly.


Throughout his short but ardent life, Shi had lived by these rules that he set for himself.


In 1942, Shi Xiaowen was admitted into the Senior Middle School of Hujiang with distinction. When he studied there, Shi organized Xiaoqing Student Association, hosting a series of activities, such as lectures on current events, reading clubs of progressive books, and visits to orphanages. He wrote in the handbook that the purpose of the visits was not only to increase his knowledge of the world, but also to "let the poor kids know that there are people sympathetic to them in society, so that their young souls would not feel too lonely."

During the summer vacation of his sophomore year in 1944, he and some of his classmates started Jiashen Compulsory School, which was named after the year of the founding, i.e., the Jiashen year on the traditional Chinese calendar. The night school, which had three branches, provided free education for school-less young people. Shi, as principal of the first branch, working completely on his own during the early stages of the school, being the one who found the location, raised funds and hired teachers. Devoting himself completely to the school, he even donated the payment he got from writing articles to the financially difficult students.



The seeds of patriotism were planted in Shi when he witnessed China's distress at a young age. By the time of his admission to Jiao Tong University in 1945, China won the war against Japanese invaders, but did not receive the peace that she was long expecting. Shi became increasingly frustrated by the Kuomintang (KMT) and attracted to the Communist Party. He eventually chose to become a revolutionary, aspiring to build a new China of freedom, equality and happiness.


Refusing to surrender to the KMT, Shi was killed on 2 May 1949, and didn't live to see the liberation of Shanghai. Shi's more than 100 relics were carefully kept by his brother Shi Rusong, including this handbook, now evidence of the spirit and strength of the remarkable person it once belonged to.


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