| 共学政府工作报告,汲取“两会”时代精神 - 上海外国语大学英语学院三全育人综合改革试点院(系) - 思政网育人号 - 全国高校思想政治工作网

热词英译 | 共学政府工作报告,汲取“两会”时代精神

发布时间:2022-04-03 13:37:53






01 经济  



There is no doubt but that China’s economy will withstand any downward pressure and continue growing steadily long into the future.


Steadfastly deepening reform to strengthen market vitality and internal momentum for development. To develop a high-standard socialist market economy, we should give play to the roles of both the government and the market, seeing that the market plays the decisive role in the allocation of resources and the government better fulfills its role.


We will deepen reforms to streamline administration and delegate power, improve regulation, and upgrade services with a focus on creating a market-oriented, law-based and internationalized business environment. We will make sure that at the same time as government approval for a certain matter is canceled or delegated to lower-level authorities, corresponding regulatory steps are taken and responsibilities are assumed.

02 退税减税  

tax refunds and cuts


Keeping the operations of market entities stable and maintaining job security by strengthening macro policies. We will improve policies for easing the burdens and difficulties of market entities and create a stronger foundation for achieving a stable and sounder economic performance. We will implement a new package of tax-and-fee policies to support enterprises. We will continue to take temporary steps and institutional measures and apply policies for both tax reductions and refunds.


It's like building a deeper pool to farm more fish. Our tax and fee cut and refund measures have helped to nurture business growth and create more sources of tax revenue.

03 数字经济和数字政府  

digital economy and digital government


We will encourage development of the digital economy. We will strengthen overall planning for the Digital China initiative, build more digital information infrastructure, develop an integrated national system of big data centers step by step, and apply 5G technology on a larger scale. We will advance digitalization of industries, and build smart cities and digital villages.


We will work to build a digital government and promote the sharing of government data. We will continue to reduce various certification requirements and provide more government services on a cross-provincial basis. We will basically realize mutual nationwide recognition of electronic licenses and certificates to facilitate enterprises with trans-regional operations, and provide people with greater access to important services outside of their home jurisdiction.

04 能源革命  

energy revolution


To advance China’s energy revolution and ensure energy supply, we will, based on our resource endowment, push forward the transformation toward low-carbon development, in accordance with overall planning and the principle of establishing the new before abolishing the old.


05 完善疫情防控措施  

refine epidemic containment measures


China will continue to make its COVID-19 response more scientific and targeted based on the epidemic situation and new developments and features of the virus. China will prevent and control the epidemic to protect people's life, health and safety to keep up the normal running of work and life, and ensure security of industrial and supply chains.


To prevent inbound cases and domestic resurgences, we need to constantly refine epidemic containment measures, strengthen epidemic controls in port-of-entry cities, step up efforts to study and protect against virus variants, accelerate R&D of vaccines and effective medicines, and continue implementing vaccination programs. Occurrences of local cases must be handled in a scientific and targeted manner, and the normal order of work and life must be ensured.

06 两岸关系  

Cross-Straits relations


When the people on both sides of the Straits come together and forge ahead in unity, we will be able to promote the peaceful growth of cross-Straits relations and share the benefits of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

07 开放和发展  

openness and development


Human civilization, if compared to a garden, should be a diverse place in which democracy in different countries blooms like a hundred flowers.


The Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games have presented to the world a more confident, self-reliant, open and inclusive China.


China will maintain the course of wider openness, no matter how the international environment may change, just as the course of the Yangtze and Yellow rivers will not be reversed.


We promoted the building of a human community with a shared future, fostered global partnerships, and played an active part in the reform and development of the global governance system. We advanced international cooperation on Covid-19 response and worked with all other countries to respond to issues and challenges global in nature.




中国政府网 “2022年全国两会”专题:


新华网 “2022年全国两会”专题:


新华网 《(两会受权发布)政府工作报告》:


新华网 China releases full text of government work report:


中国日报网 《总理记者会,双语要点来了!》:



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