
发布时间:2022-05-08 19:15:45

赣方言是江右民系使用的主要语言,主要分布在江西境内以及鄱阳湖周边、湘东、闽西北、鄂东南、皖西南和湘西南等地区,以南昌话、抚州话、宜春话等为代表。(The Gan Chinese is a group of languages spoken natively by people in Jiangxi, the Poyang Lake area, eastern and southwestern Hunan, northwestern Fujian, southeastern Hubei, and southwestern Anhui. Typical Gan languages include Nanchang dialect, Fuzhou dialect, and Yichun dialect.)

赣方言自西汉以来发展至今,受中国东南一带丘陵地貌的影响,方言内部之间的互通程度较低,特有“三里不同调,十里不同音”的夸张说法。(The Gan Chinese originated in the Western Han Dynasty. Since the hilly topography of southeastern China hinders cross-regional communication, the Gan languages evolved into different branches. Some people even jokingly say that “the tones differ every three miles, and sounds, every ten miles.”)

赣语分布图  图片源自:《中国语言地图集(第二版)》

南昌作为赣方言的代表话“南昌话”的主要使用地,自古至今处在政治文化的中心。(The Nanchang dialect, a typical branch of the Gan Chinese, is mainly spoken by people in Nanchang city, a political and cultural center of Jiangxi Province since ancient times.)公元前202年,汉高祖刘邦派灌婴平定豫章,首立南昌县,意为“昌大南疆、南方昌盛”;王勃在《滕王阁序》中称其为“物华天宝、人杰地灵”之地。1927年八一起义,中国共产党第一支独立领导的人民军队在此诞生,南昌被誉为军旗升起的地方……两千多年来,南昌目睹过改朝换代的风云动荡,见证了中国近代革命的风雨飘摇,也正经历着建团百年后的欣欣向荣。(For over 2,000 years, Nanchang has witnessed the turbulent changes of dynasties, and the stormy times of modern China’s revolution. Today, a century after the founding of the Communist Youth League of China, it stands proudly as a city of prosperity and vigor.)

南昌话里有这样一句古谣:“藤断葫芦剪,塔圮豫章残”。 意指:如果滕王阁与绳金塔倒塌,豫章城(指南昌)中的人才与宝藏都将流失,城市亦将败落。(There is an old saying in Nanchang dialect, “藤断葫芦剪,塔圮豫章残”, which means if the Tengwang Pavilion and the Shengjin Pagoda collapsed, the talents and treasures of Nanchang would be lost, and the city would fall apart.)由此可看出,绳金塔和滕王阁与赣方言的渊源。



绳金塔建造至今,已有1100多年历史。(It has been over 1,100 years since the Shengjin Pagoda was constructed.)相传,唐天祐年间(公元904年-907年),古南昌城常有蛟龙作祟,常闹风、水、火三灾俗称“三害”,夺人性命,百姓惶惶不可终日。当时的豫章郡牧刘太守决定在进贤门外择一高地建塔镇住蛟龙。建塔前,掘地三尺得铁函一只,内有金绳四匝,古剑三把。塔建成后,金绳埋基,宝剑高悬,绳金塔由此得名。

如今,绳金塔历史文化街区以现代仿古街区的形式,汇聚古建筑非遗文化、现代书法、绘画艺术形式和都市时尚元素于一体,为南昌城市生活注入活力。(Today, the Shengjin Pagoda Historical and Cultural District is a reconstructed historical district where visitors can appreciate traditional architecture, modern Chinese calligraphy, visual art, as well as explore and experience urban lifestyles.)

以传统街巷为原型建造的“五街九巷十八坊“的空间格局、“南昌九墙” “七门风俗图”等景观小品和裸眼3D灯光秀,实现了现代时尚与传统经典的华丽碰撞,为南昌打造一处彰显风貌的城市名片。

绳金塔外立面没有过多的装饰物,内部的木结构框架全部为锚固,没有一根钢钉,完美还原了赣派古建筑的风格特征;同时,大面积的红褐色外墙与现代化门窗融合在一起,营造出时尚设计感,既保留了古建的韵味,又体现匠心十足的现代元素。(The Shengjin Pagoda is a perfect embodiment of the Gan style ancient architecture: its exterior facade is free from excessive ornamentation, and the internal timber frame is anchored without any steel nails. Meanwhile, there are fashionably-designed doors and windows on the ancient, mahogany wall. This design allows the site to retain the charm of ancient architecture while reflecting modern elements in an artistic way.)



此外,吹糖人、民间翻花、唐代“枯木龙吟”琴演奏、皮影戏以及制瓷、染织、刺绣、泥塑、剪纸、风筝扎制、木雕……当地民俗文化也成就了多元的江西文化。(The local folklore contributes to the diversity of Jiangxi culture.)

祈福文化是绳金塔民俗中不可或缺的一部分。(Praying for good fortune is an indispensable element of the of the Shengjin Pagoda culture.)老街的金塔钟是南昌的“活化石”,上书“滕阁金塔,双峰峥嵘,水火统济”等字,寓意撞世纪钟。

时光荏苒,金塔钟依然矗立在绳金塔旁,见证这座城市的发展与变迁,记录着南昌古城的记忆。每年除夕零点,南昌市民来到绳金塔街区金塔钟旁,举行撞钟祈福活动,庆祝新年,也许下国运昌盛,家庭美满的美好愿望。近年来,撞钟祈福活动不断推陈出新,融合歌舞灯光秀等时尚元素,实现传统文化与现代快时尚的交融。(In recent years, the traditional practice of ringing the bell for blessings is combined with more modern elements, such as artistic performances and light shows.)


2019年绳金塔“新春撞钟 祈福大典”











也许对于城市建筑来说,最大的意义就是成为让人记住这座城市的文化符号,它是历史、是代代延续的精神,也是传承和希冀。然而,对一座有文化底蕴的老城来说,难得的不是找到这个文化符号,而是如何让这个符号被更多的人记住,并且在新时代重闪光芒,永葆生机。(For a historic city of profound cultural heritage, the true mission is not only identifying the cultural symbols, but also making sure that they are invigorating, dynamic, and celebrated by more people.)


绳金塔历史文化街区便是诞生于此种背景下的尝试。它是南昌为数不多结合了历史古迹的文化街区。一方面它的创建让绳金塔及老南昌文化IP得以延续;另一方面,它也肩负着老城复兴的重任,承担起“让世界认识南昌、认识江西”的使命。(Out of this background born the Shengjin Pagoda Historical and Cultural District. It is one of the few cultural districts in Nanchang that incorporate historical sites. On the one hand, it enables the Shengjin Pagoda culture and the traditional Nanchang culture to continue to grow; on the other hand, it also shoulders the responsibilities of reviving this ancient city, and showing the beauty of Nanchang city and Jiangxi Province to the world.)


• https://mbd.baidu.com/newspage/data/landingshare?context=%7B%22nid%22%3A%22news_9669223323425503582%22%7D&isBdboxFrom=1&pageType=1&rs=1000051931&ruk=orngdLUNUrcPZni3CkgpLw&urlext=%7B%22cuid%22%3A%22_u2z8_aC2a_cPBaNjiHqt_Oo2ag_aH8Pja2ju0u5SiKQ0qqSB%22%7D&sShare=1 

• https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/hTN7D7Faf0Sh8ZiuF49tEA

• https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/LFLz0weT9h1Yd_ilqF4UMw  

• https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/sJJQMTBXXMjgAw34aIE-Zg 

• https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/hBQWUIrX-71fhqP_HFRotQ 


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