| 同心战疫,向阳而行 - 上海外国语大学英语学院三全育人综合改革试点院(系) - 思政网育人号 - 全国高校思想政治工作网

热词英译 | 同心战疫,向阳而行

发布时间:2022-06-10 19:13:00



会议中,总书记强调要坚持“外防输入、内防反弹”总策略和“动态清零”总方针,统筹抓好疫情防控和经济社会发展。落实 “早发现、早报告、早隔离、早治疗” 的要求,从严从实开展防控工作,坚决采取更加有效、更有针对性的措施,力争尽快有效控制局部聚集性疫情,为人民生活和经济社会发展营造良好的环境。





The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to COVID-19 prevention and control. General Secretary Xi Jinping has personally taken command and made a series of important instructions. Xi stressed the importance of adhering to the general policy of “preventing inbound cases and domestic resurgences” and the “dynamic zero-COVID” approach, while at the same time coordinating COVID-19 response with economic and social development.



Victory comes from perseverance, Xi stressed. All local authorities and government departments must be fully aware of the complex, arduous and enduring nature of COVID-19 control both at home and abroad, further social mobilization, build consensus, proceed with greater confidence and perseverance, and carry out all the epidemic control work in a more solid and meticulous manner. He emphasized the need to always put people and their lives first, adhere to the dynamic zero-COVID approach with science-based and targeted measures, and contain the spread of the virus as soon as possible.



Xi said that efforts must be taken to make epidemic response more science-based and targeted and keep optimizing the response measures. He also called for maintaining strategic focus, pursuing progress while ensuring stability, coordinating the COVID-19 response with economic and social development, adopting more effective measures, striving to achieve the best results in epidemic control with minimum costs, and minimizing the epidemic's impact on the economic and social development.



The NHC and the National Administration of Disease Control and Prevention have been earnestly implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions. In response to the multiple  cases of cluster infections in some parts of China, relevant departments have made joint efforts to strengthen guidance for the infected areas. Under the guiding principle of “early detection, reporting, quarantine and treatment”, stringent prevention and control work have been conducted and more effective and targeted measures have been taken to bring local outbreaks under control as soon as possible, so as to create a favorable environment for both the people and the economic and social development.


Practice the “STOP” skill.


Dr. Sabrina Romanoff, clinical psychologist and professor at Yeshiva University in New York City shared a savvy strategy.


“Stop stands for: Stop; Take a step back; Observe; Proceed mindfully,” she explains. “When emotions take over, you may find that you act impulsively. When you react impulsively, you do not have time to use your arsenal of skills.”


When you find yourself on edge about something or feel yourself panicking, use “STOP” to regain control of the situation.


Connect with others  if you’re feeling lonely.


The pandemic has completely upended the way we socialize, and millions of people are grappling with feelings of isolation.


“Chances are pretty good that you are not alone in feeling lonely, and sharing how you are feeling may empower others to do the same,” says Marshall.


It can be a little awkward reconnecting with people, but try to challenge yourself to send three emails a week to someone you haven’t heard from in a while, or call a different loved one each week to check in and see how they are doing. Not only will you brighten your own day, but you’ll brighten someone else’s.


Remember the big picture.


Too often we are stressed by the little things, daily hassles, making mountains out of molehills. We need to take a deep breath and ask ourselves if whatever is troubling us really matters in the big picture. If not, let it go.


Try a stress dump.


Stress is a result of ruminating thoughts. As such, a helpful tool is to let them out and release them. The key here is to put pen to paper and start writing. You may want to write down things that are stressing you out and why they are stressing you out.


Doing so allows us to begin to separate our stress from being a part of us, and thereby putting some distance between us and our stress.


Lastly, sorting down our thoughts can also help us clear our head and begin to shift into solution mode.





1. 人民网 “习近平系列重要讲话”专题:


2. 中共中央对外联络部 “重要会议”专题:


3. 中国日报双语新闻《疫情期间如何缓解心理压力?》:



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