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精彩预告 | 2022中国文化暑期项目学生风采集锦

发布时间:2022-07-11 22:08:46





Georgia(英国籍) 法律专业

Having a worldwide perspective is fundamental to success in any current day sector. Therefore, an over-arching understanding of a leading country like China is indispensable, particularly its language, culture, history, and inner workings through its business and economic affairs. I think this makes me particularly suitable for this program, which would provide me with an enriching insight into China and complement my current skillset.

Camille(法国籍) 语言文学专业

I would like to participate in this summer program to broaden my knowledge of the Chinese Culture. While learning the language, it is important to get to know the country, its culture, and its history. I am particularly interested in the Chinese Law topic. I would like to take this opportunity to invest my time in a gain of knowledge that is going to be useful for my future studies, and my future career.

Ella(英国籍) 汉语语言学专业

I am fascinated by Chinese history, literature and culture, with a special interest in pre-Qing poetry. I run a weekly newsletter where I often translate and discuss premodern Chinese poetry, introducing my favorite poems to an English-speaking audience. My short-term goal is to enhance my knowledge of the Chinese cultural landscape. I am also interested in the economic future of China. 

In the SISU summer programme, I hope to widen my background knowledge of Chinese history, culture and governance in order to eventually become a better sinologist and translator. I am also eager to meet other young people who are similarly interested in China. 

Julian(德国籍) 法律专业

I'm a law student from Germany. I'm learning Chinese and I am interested in Chinese culture. I want to learn about Chinese culture through this program.

Jule(德国籍) 戏剧与媒体研究专业

My Chinese teacher gave me the name 悠乐 because I am a very happy, open-minded person in general. I love watching Chinese films and eating Chinese food with my friends.My future career goal is to work as a cultural manager. 

I would find an international setting with focus on cultural mediation with reference to China both challenging and enriching. Taking part in the online Chinese Culture Summer Programme with its multi-faceted curriculum would meet this desire.

Minhwa(韩国籍) 国际通识教育专业

Thanks to Shanghai International Studies University, I now have the opportunity to try out the short-term online program through the Chinese Culture Summer Program. I wish to have a better understanding of China as a country and its language Chinese. Acquiring basic knowledge of the Chinese language during the two-week SISU program is my primary goal. Furthermore, the second goal of joining the online summer program is to have an overview of Chinese area studies. 

Anastasia(希腊籍) 学前教育专业

I would be rather happy to participate in this summer online program because via my participation I would get to know the Chinese culture which is rather interesting and attractive for me as a worldwide citizen and as a future teacher.

Teresa(意大利籍) 人类学与地理科学专业

I have decided to spend a three-month study period in Shanghai. I would like to know the basics of a language that, due to its culture, importance, and even future possibilities, can give rise to collaborative relationships and cultural exchanges.

Kseniia (俄罗斯籍) 国际经济关系专业



John(菲律宾籍) 国际政治专业

I wish to participate in this program because I want to learn the inner workings of Chinese society. Considering that China is attaining global influence, it is thus important to learn the culture of the country to avoid conflict and shallow stereotyping, as well as to learn what China has done to become successful at the individual and spiritual level. I believe that it is values such as that of the Confucian Ren, that has inspired many to be public servants to society and has made the country thrive.

Natsinee(泰国籍) 全球研究专业

I have always been interested in the Chinese language and its culture, I have been to China several times and I love travelling to different places in China especially small towns where I could explore the local people's lifestyle. I studied Chinese when I was a child and resume the lesson again in high school because I have thought about maybe studying in China. I feel like this summer program is a chance for me to get to know other people as well as exchange ideas and knowledge about Chinese throughout the course.

Mohammadamin(伊朗籍) 国际关系专业

I am a PhD candidate in International Relations at Allameh Tabataba'i University (ATU) and I have had cooperation with the Center for Chinese Studies at the university. I am interested in East Asian culture and society, especially Chinese history, language, and culture.

王昊天(中国籍) 翻译与工商管理专业         

I love the way how people brought up in different cultural backgrounds share their understandings of various topics, broadening each other's horizons, and I cherish this opportunity in which I can communicate with so many peers around the globe and share our wisdom. By entering this program, I wish I could make some friends and form a deeper understanding of China from different aspects like literature, economics, history, etc. I'm looking forward to seeing how foreign peers understand Chinese culture; I also wish I could broaden my view by exploring foreign cultures.


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