扬帆 | 英华学子优秀课程作品展 (六)

发布时间:2022-09-05 13:31:54


扬帆 · 第六期







The Diary of a Madman


Lu Xun


译者:张婕雅 李子禾 童曦 黄雨虹 靳舒婕


In the morning, I sat quietly for a while. Old Chen brought in some food – a bowl of vegetables, and a bowl of steamed fish. The eyes of the fish were white and glassy, and its mouth was wide open, just like the human-eaters in the village After a few mouthfuls I was confused about whether the slippery thing I was chewing was fish or human flesh. I threw it up, all of it.

我说,“老五,对大哥说,我闷得慌,想到园里走走。” 老五不答应,走了;停一会,可就来开了门。

I requested, “Chen, please tell my brother it is too stifled indoors. I want to go for a walk in the garden.”  Chen left without saying anything; shortly afterwards he came back and unlocked the door.

我也不动,研究他们如何摆布我;知道他们一定不肯放松。果然!我大哥引了一个老头子,慢慢走来;他满眼凶光,怕我看出,只是低头向着地,从眼镜横边暗暗看我。大哥说,“今天你仿佛很好。” 我说“是的。” 大哥说,“今天请何先生来,给你诊一诊。” 我说,“可以!” 其实我岂不知道这老头子是刽子手扮的!无非借了看脉这名目,揣一揣肥瘠:因这功劳,也分一片肉吃。我也不怕;虽然不吃人,胆子却比他们还壮。伸出两个拳头,看他如何下手。老头子坐着,闭了眼睛,摸了好一会,呆了好一会;便张开他鬼眼睛说,“不要乱想。静静的养几天,就好了。”

I did not move a bit. I wanted to see what they would do to me. I was certain that they would never let me go. Within my expectation, my brother led an old man in, both walking slowly towards me. The old man kept his head down to the ground, casting some glances at me from the side of his spectacles for fear that I could notice the murderous glares in his eyes. “You seem well today,” said my brother. “Yes,” I replied. “This is Doctor He,” he said, “I have invited him to examine you.” “Be my guest!” I said. But how could I have no idea that the old man was actually an executioner in disguise! He came here for nothing but check how fat I was in the  pretext of feeling my pulse. Because of this, he could also have a share of my flesh. I was not afraid at all. Although I didn’t eat human flesh, I had even greater courage than the like of him. I held out two fists to see how he would treat me. The old man sat down, closed his eyes,  felt my pulse for a while and remained still for some time. After that, he opened his terrifying eyes and warned, “Don’t let your imagination run wild. Take a good rest in peace for a few days, and you will  be fine”


Don't let my imagination run wild and take a good rest in peace! If I keep on getting fat, they will in return have more flesh to eat. How can I be "fine" when there is no benefit for me at all? This bunch of people wanted to eat human flesh, but were too sneaky to do so directly. How ridiculous! I couldn't help bursting into laughter, in/out of which righteousness and courage could be sensed without a doubt. The old man and my brother, both losing their color, were subdued by my courageousness and righteousness.


But just because I was brave, they were more eager to eat me, wanting to get in on eating my flesh to acquire a sense of achievement. The old man went out of the gate, and before going far, he said to my brother in a low voice, “Eat as soon as possible/immediately!” And my brother nodded! YOU are in it too!  This discovery, though stunned me a bit, is not so beyond my expectation: the accomplice in eating me is my elder brother!


The man eating human flesh is my own brother!


I am the brother of an eater of human flesh!


I am destined to be eaten myself; But I’m still the brother of an eater of human flesh!



译者:孔文君 陶新智 伊延帅 高佳晖 赵咏孜 孙雪


These days I have been thinking about some of my earlier suspicions: even if the old man were a real doctor instead of an executioner in disguise, he might as well be a human-eater all the same. In that Book of … Herbs? … written by their predecessor Li Shizhen,[1] it is clearly stated that boiled human flesh is perfectly edible. How could he deny his habit of eating people?


As for my brother, I also had a good reason to suspect him. When telling me stories, he once mentioned that “people could exchange their children to eat” when facing extreme famines. Another time, when discussing a bad guy, my brother said that this person deserved to be killed, “with his fresh reduced to food and his hide to blanket”. I was young back then and my heart beat fast for a long time. He was not surprised by the story that the tenants from Wolf Cub Village had eaten a man’s heart and liver the other day, but kept nodding his head with approval. It could be seen that he was as cruel as before. If children can be exchanged for eating, no wonder all could get exchanged and eaten. I used to be fooled by his reasoning and blindly let it go. Now I understood that he was talking with human grease on his lips, and wholeheartedly, thinking of eating humans.

[1] Li Shizhen (1518-1593): A famous Chinese acupuncturist, herbalist, naturalist, pharmacologist, physician, and writer of the Ming dynasty. He is the author of The Compendium of Materia Medica (Bencao Gangmu [本草纲目], which is exactly “the Book” mentioned by the madman. (注意:圆括号内不能再套圆括号;改用方括号)



译者:孔文君 陶新智 伊延帅 高佳晖 赵咏孜 孙雪


So dark! It is hard to tell day from night., But hear hear, the dog of the Zhaos’ is barking again.


Brutal as lions; cowardly as rabbits; cunning as foxes…



译者:孔文君 陶新智 伊延帅 高佳晖 赵咏孜 孙雪


I know their plans. They are neither willing nor brave enough to kill me openly, for fear of inviting trouble. Instead, they collude with each other and set all kinds of traps to force me to commit suicide. According to how the people on the street acted and what my brother did to me these days, I have become rather clear about their intention. They long for my loosening the belt and tying it above a beam to hang myself. In this way, they can achieve their goal without being accused of murder. This will absolutely evoke out of them a whimpering smirk. By contrast, I would always pine away if I should die from scare and anxiety. They would make do with it and still satisfy themselves, though my corpse would have less flesh on it.


They only eat dead flesh! I remember reading in some books about an ugly beast called “hyena”, with terrifying eyes and an inclination for dead meat. It even chews up some enormous bones carefully and swallows them. It is frightening merely to think about that. Hyenas are relatives of wolves, and wolves share the same ancestor with dogs. The Zhaos’ dog looked at me several times the other day, hence it must have already engaged in the conspiracy and become one of the accomplices. The old man also gazed down at the ground in his previous visit. In no way could he fool me!


My brother was the most pathetic one. He is a human himself. How could he be so cold-blooded, and even dare to conspire to eat me? Or was it already habitual enough for him to take it for granted? Or did he lose his conscience and commit crimes on purpose?


I curse all human-eaters, starting with my brother; if I attempt to dissuade human-eaters, I shall start with him too.



译者:于敏 倪亦淇 肖冬连 陈诗凡 李如阳 周雨虹


Actually, they should have seen the reason against human-eating a long time ago…


Suddenly, a man showed up, only about twenty years old. His features were a blur in the darkness. He nodded to me with a broad smile–not so genuine, to be honest. “Is it right about eating human flesh?” I asked him.“This is no famine year. No one eats human flesh.” he said, his smile lingering. I realized immediately that he was one of them and fond of eating humans, too. I mustered up the courage, deciding to confront him anyway.


“But is it right?”


“Why do you ask? You are so…funny. …It is a good day today.”


Yes, the weather is fine indeed. The moon is very bright too. But still, I am not going to let you go. “Is it right?”


He answered with ambiguity, “No...”, his voice beginning to sound vexed.


“No? Then why are they eating humans?!”


“It’s nonsense.”


“Nonsense? Aren’t people in Wolf Cub Village eating each other? Can’t you see it is written all over in the books? In fresh red ink!”


The colour drained from his face and turned into ghostly pale. Eyes widening, he stated, “Human-eating possibly exists, and it has always been like that...”


“Is it right simply because it has always been like that?”


“I am not supposed to discuss any of these with you; anyway, you should not talk about  it—whoever talks about it is in the wrong!”


I leaped up and opened my eyes, but the man had vanished. Perspiration soaked me from top to toe. He was much younger than my brother, but he was also one of them; he must have been taught this by his parents. I am also afraid that he must have already passed it onto his sons: that’s possibly why even the children stare at me fiercely.



译者:于敏 倪亦淇 肖冬连 陈诗凡 李如阳 周雨虹


Thinking of eating humans while worrying about being eaten, they eye each other with deepest suspicion and fear...


If they would get rid of the idea, they could lead a life of ease: working, commuting, eating and sleeping, totally relieved. The thought is the last threshold to cross or the last obstacle to overcome. However, fathers and sons, brothers, husbands and wives, friends, teachers and students, enemies as well as total strangers--they all collude to pull each other back in stepping across this threshold.

社员 · 心得


张婕雅:在《狂人日记》翻译任务中,我负责的文本里有一个词——“鬼眼睛”( terrifying eyes )。起初我对“鬼”一字的理解是密谋/欺骗/鬼鬼祟祟等神态,所以选择了shifty一词。但是经过曹思宇老师点拨,我明白了对“鬼”字的理解应该建立在前后文之上。前文提到了老头子的眼睛“满眼凶光”(the murderous glares in his eyes),应该着重强调文中提到的这一凶狠可怖的特征,所以选用terrifying会更贴切。曹老师的指点使我明白了翻译中文文本不能断章取义,割裂地看某个词,而应该结合上下文。特别是像《狂人日记》这类半文半白的文本,更要小心谨慎。

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    英华学子优秀课程作品展 (六)。