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扬帆 | 英华学子优秀课程作品展 (七)

发布时间:2022-09-05 16:47:27


扬帆 · 第六期







The Diary of a Madman


Lu Xun


译者:张兆宇 皮薇 杨君怡 周子萱 郁晶璟 杨紫薇


I looked for my brother early in the morning. Since as he was looking at the sky in the front yard, I walked towards him from behind and stood between him and the door. I spoke with extreme calm and tenderness.


“Brother, I have something to tell you.”

“你说就是,” 他赶紧回过脸来,点点头。

“Go on.” He turned around immediately, nodding his head.


“I only have a few, difficult words. Brother, perhaps all ancient savages used to eat human flesh. Then due to different thoughts, some stopped eating human flesh and cherished goodness—they became humans, real humans. Yet some others who continued, like reptiles, turned into fish, birds, or monkeys, and at last they turned into humans. The rest who contempt goodness remain reptiles throughout. What a shame for those who eat people, compared with those who do not! They should be much more shameful faced with those who do not, compared to reptiles faced with monkeys.”


Everybody thinks it is an old story that Yi Ya[1] steamed his son to satisfy the tyrant in power at that time. Yet people seldom know that eating people is a tradition: after Pan Gu[2] created heaven and earth, such tradition continued till Yi Ya’s son was eaten; till Xu Xilin[3] was eaten; and till now the person caught in the Wolf Club Village was eaten. Last year, after a criminal was executed, I heard that a consumptive dipped steamed bun in his blood and ate it.

“他们要吃我,你一个人,原也无法可想;然而又何必去入伙。吃人的人,什么事做不  出;他们会吃我,也会吃你,一伙里面,也会自吃。但只要转一步,只要立刻改了,也就是人人太平。虽然从来如此,我们今天也可以格外要好,说是不能!大哥,我相信你能说,前天佃户要减租,你说过不能。”

“They want to eat me, and you alone have no way to change that; but why join their conspiracy? Those people who eat human flesh are incapable of nothing; if they eat me, they will also eat you, and even eat each other one day. However, if you withdraw from them, if you change at once, everyone will be safe and sound. Though we have long lived in peace, we can pursue an even better future. Say no to eat human flesh! My dear brother, I know you can do it. The day before yesterday, the tenant asked for a lower rent, and you said no.”


At first, all he did was sneering. But shortly afterwards his gaze became fierce and his face shone with a savage gleam when I exposed their scheme. Outside the door stood a group of people, all craning their necks to peer. Zhao Guiweng and his dog were also there. Some seemed to be covered with cloth so I could not see their faces; some looked devilish with a smothered grin. I know this crowd. They all eat people. But I also know that they hold different thoughts about eating people. Some think they should do so since it has been a tradition for centuries. Others recognize that it is wrong to eat people. But they still keep doing it while fearing to be exposed. That’s why my brother felt furious by my remarks, tight-lipped with a frozen smile.

[1] Yi Ya was a famous chef in the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC). As the ruler of Qi mentioned that he wanted to eat human flesh, he killed his four-year-old son and made it into a dish for him.

[2] Pan Gu is the creation god in Chinese mythology and legend, and the oldest god in Chinese mythology system.

[3] 35-year-old Xu Xilin, a revolutionist, was killed by the Qing Court in front of the Anqing Hospital on July 7, 1907, with his heart and liver dug out and used for cooking.

译者:由晨霓 陶柯颖 刘丹琳 田珂源 李一凡 王玉


My brother suddenly showed a fierce look, roaring ferociously,


“Clear off, all of you! What's the point of looking at a madman?”


At this moment, I came to realize this was another of their tricks. Not only were they unwilling to change their stand, they had also planned it all out; they had decided to label me as a madman. So, even if I were to be eaten by them someday, they would get no punishment but sympathy. The tenant’s words about eating a bad man were exactly of the same ruse. A trick repeatedly tested and practiced!


Old Chen, in great anger, came in through the gate as well. How could they shut me up? I am not done speaking to the crowd yet,


“Time for you to change, from the bottom of your hearts! You shall bear in mind that in the future there will be no place in the world for human-eaters.

“你们要不改,自己也会吃尽。即使生得多,也会给真的人除灭了,同猎人打完狼子一  样!——同虫子一样!”

“If you refuse to change, you yourselves will also be eaten up one day. No matter how many children you have, they will all be eliminated by real humans, killed up by hunters like wolf cubs—like reptiles!”


The crowd were driven away by Old Chen. My brother also disappeared. Chen persuaded me to go back to the room.


Darkness swallowed up my room. Beams and rafters were shaking above my head; after shaking for a while, they became larger, and piled down on me. Under the heavy weight, I couldn’t move. They meant to let me die. I knew the weight was not real, so I struggled through my illusion, in a sweat. But I had to say it anyway,


“Change at once, from the bottom of your hearts! You shall bear in mind that in the future there will be no place for human-eaters...”




译者:由晨霓 陶柯颖 刘丹琳 田珂源 李一凡 王玉


There is no sunshine, and the door is never unlocked. Two meals, day after day.


Each time I pick up the chopsticks I will instantly think of my brother. I know my sister died entirely because of him. She was only five back then. I can still remember how vulnerable and lovable she was. My mother couldn’t hold back her sobs, but my brother begged her not to cry. He had probably eaten her himself, and all the crying was making him a bit uncomfortable. If only he could still feel uncomfortable...


My little sister was eaten by my brother. I wonder if mother knew.


Mother must have known, but when she was weeping she didn’t say it outright. Maybe she also took it for granted. I remember enjoying the cool in the yard when I was four or five years old, my brother said when one’s parents were ill, the son should cut off a slice of his flesh, cook it, and offer it to the sick parents, if he wanted to be regarded as a filial son. Mother didn’t contradict him back then. If a slice could be eaten, what would be wrong to eat a whole person? In retrospect, her way of crying that day still makes me heartbroken. How inconsistent people can turn out to be!




译者:于敏 倪亦淇 肖冬连 陈诗凡 李如阳 周雨虹


Further thought would be too painful.


My nation has been eating humans for four thousand years. Now I realize that I have spent my whole life living in this country. My sister passed away when my brother was in charge of the household. It is not impossible that he could have mixed her flesh into meals and thus, secretly making us eat humans as well.


I might have had some of my sister’s flesh without knowing it. Now it’s my turn to be a victim…


Not until now have I realized that I am not immune to the four-thousand-year practice of human-eating, and it’s impossible for me to face (面对) real humans any more![1]

[1] Real humans: Real humans refer to those who are independent from the rigid and prevailing Chinese feudal ethics and the downside of the old practices.




译者:由晨霓 陶柯颖 刘丹琳 田珂源 李一凡 王玉


Maybe there are still children who have not yet eaten human flesh?


Save the children...


April, 1918.

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