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记忆的味道 | 吴地滚灯闹 家家喜庆到

发布时间:2023-02-22 14:54:04


奉贤位于吴语区。吴语,又称江东话、江南话、江浙话、吴越语,主要分布于浙江、江苏南部、上海、安徽南部、江西东北部等地区,使用人口多达九千多万。现代吴语可以追溯到古代吴、越两国,有着超过2500年的悠久历史,底蕴深厚。(The modern Wu dialect, with a long history of over 2,500 years, can be traced back to the ancient times of Wu and Yue and is rich in cultural heritage.)

本期《记忆的味道》将带领大家走进奉贤,走进滚灯,体味这有着浓厚节庆色彩的非遗艺术。(This episode of "Taste of Memory" will guide you to take a glimpse at Fengxian, the Rolling Lamp tradition in particular, and experience the charm of this intangible cultural heritage with strong festive vibes.)

奉贤滚灯,又称胡桥滚灯,发源于上海市奉贤区柘林镇胡桥地区。它是一种综合性传统艺术,融合舞蹈、杂技、体育于一体,极具欣赏与艺术文化价值。(Fengxian Rolling Lamp, also known as Huqiao Rolling Lamp, originated in Huqiao area, Zhelin Town, Fengxian District, Shanghai. As a comprehensive traditional art, Fengxian Rolling Lamp combines dance, acrobatics, and sports into a whole. It is of high artistic and cultural value and is worthy of appreciation.) 其动作融合了丰富的肢体语言与绚丽的步法,再配以形式各样的滚球与极具地域特色的服饰,将细腻与豪迈并存、刚健与柔情相融的滚灯表演之美体现得淋漓尽致。

滚灯通常有大、中、小三类,从外观上看分为两部分,大球内置有一小球,称为“球胆”。(The rolling lamp is usually categorized into three types: large, medium, and small. In appearance, it consists of two parts: a big ball as the outer frame and a small ball inside. The small ball is called the "bladder".) 两部分的制作工艺相同,均由涂了油彩的12根毛竹片条制扎而成。

在表演时,舞者身着民间戏服,将灯用线系于腰间,灯随着人舞动,人也随着灯舞动。舞到高潮时,鞭炮锣鼓声也随之加入,此时舞者牙咬线结,借颈项之力使灯飞舞起来,展现出人灯合一的和谐之美。(At the climax of the dance, with sounds emanated from firecrackers and drums, the dancers hold the knot in their mouths and rely on their strong neck muscles to make the lights fly in the air, displaying the beauty of harmony as the human body and the light become one.)

历史上的奉贤水患频繁,早期的滚灯表演者常戴着“司水利之神——二郎神”的面具舞滚灯以求减少水患。到了明朝,奉贤成为抗倭寇重镇,舞滚灯也因其强度与难度成为了士兵们强身健体的一种方式。(In the Ming Dynasty, Fengxian became a vital town in the fight against Japanese pirates. Thus, the dancing of Rolling Lamp, which requires great physical intensity and skillfulness, became a way for soldiers to build up their bodies and improve their health.)他们在滚灯内球中挂上铁锤或者石块以提高训练的强度,此时的滚灯也被称为“武灯”。

随着时代不断发展,奉贤滚灯从原来的祭祀形式和训练载体逐渐演变为一种民间娱乐项目。每逢节庆之日或是大型活动,奉贤人民就会舞起滚灯制造更为热烈的节日气氛,为观众带去欢乐与幸福。滚灯已成为奉贤人民表达庆贺的重要方式之一。(With the changing times, Fengxian Rolling Lamp has gradually evolved from a form of sacrifice and a way of training to a folk entertainment. When a festival or a large event takes place, Fengxian people will perform the Rolling Lamp dance to create a more vibrant and festive atmosphere and bring joy and happiness to the audience. In this sense, for Fengxian people, Rolling Lamp has become an important way of celebration.)

历经百年的积淀,奉贤滚灯在演变发展中日臻完善。其动作套路充分融合了现代体育和舞蹈元素,演变为形式丰富的现代滚灯舞。为加强观赏性,滚灯的表演形式已从男子单双人表演,发展为男女多人群体舞灯。以原始的锣鼓声烘托,以大小不同、颜色亮丽的滚灯为亮点,滚灯的现代舞台成为了传统和创新融合的完美典范。(Driven by primitive sounds of gongs and drums and highlighted by Rolling Lamp in different sizes and bright colours, the modern stage of the Rolling Lamp has become a perfect example of the fusion of tradition and innovation.)

顺应时代的创新,奉贤滚灯不断蜕变、成长,无论是在上海本地的节庆文化活动中,还是在大型的传统文化展演中,我们越来越多地看到它的身影。(In line with the innovations of the times, Fengxian Rolling Lamp transform and grow continuously. We see it more and more often in local festivals and cultural events in Shanghai, as well as in large-scale traditional cultural exhibitions and performances.)

如今,奉贤滚灯已成为上海地区民间艺术百花园中的瑰宝,是上海地区招式最成熟的民间灯舞,也是上海民间灯会的重要角色。2008年,奉贤滚灯成功入选“第二批国家级非物质文化遗产名录”,堪称“中华一绝”。七年后,它登上了世界舞台,走上比利时布鲁塞尔街头,向世界展示中国年。奉贤滚灯正在从田野迈向城市,从过去奔向未来。(Seven years later in 2015, it arrived on the world stage. Performed on the streets of Brussels, Belgium, it brought the Chinese New Year to the world. Fengxian Rolling Lamp is moving from the field towards the city, running from the past to the future.)

奉贤滚灯凝结着吴地人民的生活感悟与智慧,穿过历史的罅隙向我们诉说着前世今生。今日的奉贤滚灯已摇身变成一种艺术表演形式,走向更大的舞台。在挖掘中传承,在传承中创新,让后来人记得住乡愁,让中华优秀传统文化浸润生活。(Inherited through excavation. Innovated through inheritance. Rolling Lamp commemorates a sense of home. It helps splendid traditional Chinese culture to infiltrate our lives.)相信在不断地守正创新中,氤氲着吴方言底蕴的滚灯文化将永不褪色,历久弥新。

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