龙陵 x 英华青年说|(七)抗日救亡运动——大仁大智而大勇

发布时间:2023-06-29 17:58:41






Benevolence and Wisdom Make Fearless Spirit: Stories Behind the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Movements






A Poem

Li Gongpu

The benevolent are free from worries,

The wise are free from doubts,

The brave are free from fears.



【Introduction of the author】

Li Gongpu (1902-1946), a democratic patriot, was born in Wujin, Jiangsu Province. In his early years, he studied at the University of Shanghai and participated in the May 30th Movement. In 1927, he went to the United States for further study. After returning to China, he started to work as a journalist in Shanghai. After the “9.18 Incident”, he actively devoted himself to resisting Japanese aggression and educating the public. In 1936, he joined the Anti-Japanese and National Salvation Association. In November of the same year, Li and other six patriots including Shen Junru and Zou Taofen were arrested by the Kuomintang government, which is historically known as the “Seven Gentlemen Incident”. After being released in July 1937, he continued to fight against the Japanese and defend his motherland. In July 1946, he was assassinated by Kuomintang secret agents in Kunming for his engagement in a patriotic movement calling for peace and democracy.




Benevolence and Wisdom Make Fearless Spirit

After Li Gongpu was assassinated by the Kuomintang reactionaries in 1946, Mao Zedong and Zhu De telegraphed a joint condolence: “Mr. Li devoted himself to saving the country and spreading progressive culture. He remained unyielding in the face of brutalities and never wavered by wealth and honor.” This is indeed high praise for Li’s lifetime contributions. 


Li was a loyal patriot and a tough fighter for democracy. Throughout his lifetime, he made every effort possible and even sacrificed himself to strive for the independence, freedom, democracy and liberation of China. After the “9.18 Incident”, Li was full of patriotic enthusiasm. He stood at the forefront of patriotic movements to save China. In order to encourage the public to resist the Japanese aggression together and disclose the deceit of the Kuomintang authorities, he held rallies and set up petitions with other democratic patriots. At the rallies, he delivered speeches to call on everybody to fight for the liberation of the Chinese nation. However, his and his comrades’ patriotic activities were defamed as “harmful to the Republic of China” by the Kuomintang authorities.

In November 1936, Li and other six democratic advocates were arrested by the Kuomintang authorities, which is known as the infamous “Seven Gentlemen Incident”. In prison, Li was undeterred by the enemy’s carrot-and-stick tricks, which only strengthened his determination to fight against the Japanese. In pursuit of the truth, he was never afraid of death. He once said to his friend: “When I was arrested, a pistol was aimed right at me, but I was not afraid. I thought the worst was just death. Who could escape death? So why should I be afraid?” He also encouraged himself in his diary: “A silkworm won’t stop spinning silk until death, and a candle won’t stop giving light until burned to dust. When pursuing the truth, serving the people, fighting to the end of the war, and striving for national liberation, we should all adopt this attitude.”

After his release, he rushed to Shanxi, North China and Yan’an to seek the truth and save the country. He combined war-time education with the mobilization of the masses, which earned him the admiration of his friends. At the beginning of 1941, the well-known educator Tao Xingzhi wrote the following words for Li:

“仁者不忧 智者不惑 勇者不惧 惟其不惑 所以不忧 所以不惧 吾辈追求真理 认识真理 为民族人类服务 有什么疑惑呢  公朴吾兄  行知  三0.一.九”这幅题字很受李公朴喜爱,这一年,他到滇南滇北考察时,至少两次用他那从容雅致的楷书,为朋友们书写了同样的字幅。龙华碑苑用的就是李公朴手书的这幅字幅。

“The benevolent are free from worries; the wise are free from doubts; the brave are free from fears. It is because a man does not doubt that he does not worry and fear. We pursue the truth, know the truth, and serve the nation and mankind. We have no doubts. These words are addressed to my good brother Li Gongpu, written by Xingzhi on January 9, 30th of the Republic of China.” Li loved this scroll. During his visits to southern and northern Yunnan that year, he copied it at least twice for his friends, writing in elegant regular script. The one inscribed on the stele in Longhua Monument Garden was also copied from him.


“The benevolent are free from worries, the wise are free from doubts, the brave are free from fears.” The words come from Xian Wen, the Analects of Confucius, “Confucius said: The way of the gentlemen is threefold, which I fail to obtain: the benevolent are free from worries, the wise are free from doubts, the brave are free from fears.” The benevolent are people with benevolence, which is a moral standard with a broad meaning in Confucianism. “The Doctrine of the Mean” in the Book of Rites reads: “The so-called benevolence is to love others. And among the love of others, it is most important to be close to one’s relatives.” In modern words, Confucius means, “I have not been able to do any of the three things a gentleman does: a virtuous man does not worry, a wise man does not get confused, and a brave man does not fear.”

In Tao Xingzhi and Li’s scrolls of calligraphy, the benevolent refers to those who love the motherland and the people, the wise refers to those who have firm faith and clear goals, and the brave refers to those who are not afraid to sacrifice for the interests of the people. Tao’s later remarks about the pursuit of the truth and serving the nation and mankind are the best annotation of the first three sentences—After pursuing the truth, one finally comes to know the truth, and from then on he will have firm faith and will never feel confused. Those are the people like Li, who never worry or be afraid of sacrificing themselves for the interests of the motherland and the people.


Li not only wrote the words. He also followed through. After the victory of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, he continued to struggle for peace and democracy. In February 1946, he was severely injured by Kuomintang secret agents in the “Jiaochangkou Incident” in Chongqing. However, he was not afraid. He said to Zhou Enlai, who came to visit him, “For the sake of peace and democracy, for the reunification of the motherland, my injury is nothing. I will be stronger and fight for human rights, freedom and democracy!”

When he returned to Kunming, the white terror had already enveloped the city. But he was not afraid. He said to his wife, “We must be ready to die for our country.” “When I leave my home, I’m not prepared to come back.” In July of the same year, Li was shot down by a silent pistol fired by Kuomintang secret agents. He shouted “For democracy! For democracy!” and heroically gave his life. With his life, Li realized his ideal and his belief: “The benevolent are free from worries, the wise are free from doubts, the brave are free from fears.”



Postscript: It is because a man does not doubt that he does not worry or fear. We pursue the truth, know the truth, and serve the nation and mankind. We have no doubts. The words are revised by Mr. Kefu and written by Li Gongpu in Gejiu Tin Company on December 22, Fifth year of the Anti-Japanese War.

This inscription is credited to Li Gongpu, written in regular script.

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