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“131”教师发展模式的 构建与实践:构建教师发展共同体 | 团队协作系统培训

2021-01-18 17:50:06



1. Tutorial training of new teachers;

Master teachers and leading teachers need to play an important part in setting a good example, built the communicating platform with the target trainees. Also, they should carefully selected elites with high moral quality strong capabilities and great academic achievements as a tutor of teachers according to every young teacher’s expertise. Then the tutors carry out the instruction plan, make guiding record, strengthen guidance and assessment through in-class lectures, written records, on-site review, tracking and supervising, going back to check, and phased summary, so as to improve the level of teaching skills of young teachers, help young teachers to improve teaching, and promote the development of young teachers teaching.

2. 校内公开教学研究。定期举办教学论坛、教师座谈会、观摩教学、青年教师成长沙龙等,就教学科研中的现实问题,组织教师现身说法,分享感受,共同探讨,提出解决问题的建设性意见,形成解决问题的行动理论和策略营造团结和谐进步的研究氛围。

2. Teaching research of demonstration class;

In a regular term, we hold teaching symposiums, teaching observation, teaching salons for young teachers etc; we organize teachers to discuss and approach real problems in teaching and researching; then we put forward constructive suggestions, attain effective strategies to deal with the problem, and create the harmonious research atmosphere.

3. 教学团队建设培育。根据专业和课程建设需要设置教研室,深入开展优秀教研室评选活动。建设技术技能名师工作室,为培育优秀教师团队、助力专业内涵建设、服务职业技能竞赛、提升产教一线科研水平、拓展对外服务搭建平台。把教学团队建设作为促进教师发展、提升整体水平的重要工作纳入教学工程建设项目,按照“两年立、三年结”的总体部署,坚持多元结构,有序推进,分级建设,培养可持续发展的教学科研队伍。

3. Training of teaching teams;

According to specialty and course construction, we devote to implement the goalof construct the excellent teaching and research section. We should also carry out excellent teaching and research section, construct technically proficient teacher studio, cultivate excellent teaching team, make professional connotation construction, serve professional skill competition, enhance scientific research production and education, and expand the service platform. Moreover, we should consider teaching team construction as a way to promote the development of teachers, improve the overall level of important work in teaching engineering construction projects, insist on multivariate structure, and cultivate the sustainable development of the teaching and research team.

4. 教学技能竞赛比武。搭建教师教学能力和教学风采展示平台,定期组织教师开展课堂教学大奖赛、优秀多媒体课件大奖赛、微课大赛等校级教学竞赛和教学观摩活动以及河南省教育系统教学技能竞赛和教育教学信息化大赛等省级教学技能比武活动。以赛促学,以赛促研,以赛促信息技术与学科教学融合,推进教学手段和教学方法改革,提高教育教学质量。

4. Competition of teaching skills;

In order to construct platform for teachers’ teaching ability, we regularly organize teaching contests, excellent multimedia courseware contests, micro-teaching competitions, teaching observations in school as well as teaching skills competition Henan province. These activities promote the reform of teaching means and teaching methods, and improve the teaching quality of education through the combination of contests, learning and research.


5. Training of modern teaching techniques;

The school open teaching skills seminar, encourage and guide the young teachers to participate in computer operation skills training, such as multimedia courseware, animation, audio video processing, etc. Thus, teachers’ ability can be improved by exploiting computer auxiliary teaching, simulation teaching, multimedia teaching, online teaching.

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